Can You Drink Red Wine if You Have Rosacea?


When I received my rosacea diagnosis, the first treatment I was given was a prescription medication…and then another…and then another. None of them worked. This meant that controlling my skin disorder was something I needed to do without the help of a magic lotion or a miracle pill.

The first thing I did (after speaking to my dermatologist) was to discover my triggers. As much as I did a great job, it was very challenging pinpoint the guilty parties behind my flare-ups.

Identifying Rosacea Triggers

It took some careful tracking, but I discovered a number of the triggers that were causing the redness, bumps, burning, itching, and stinging on my cheeks. I used a free online diet tracker to help me get the job done. The tracker may have been designed for weight loss, but I used it for rosacea loss, instead.

Every day, I tracked my foods and my activities so that I could discover trends when I experienced flare-ups. I also learned a lot about nutrition, along the way!

Rosacea Flare-Up Culprits

Every rosacea sufferer has a different set of triggers that cause their skin issues. Even before I started tracking, I found out that my skin care routine wasn’t doing my any favors. I needed to start using a lot more sunscreen and I needed to take away all of the harsh ingredients that were found in my cleanser, moisturizer and even my makeup. I now use a natural rosacea skin care routine made up primarily of products from a local company that has a focus on skin conditions like mine.

Through tracking, I found out that direct sunlight, hot weather and humidity, cold weather and wind, intense physical exertion, spicy food, caffeine, alcohol (especially red wine), some vinegars, high amounts of refined sugar or dairy, and any food or beverage that is hot enough to produce steam will all cause my flare-ups. They will make my skin turn red, feel different intensities of burning and stinging and make my face tight and itchy. Sometimes, they will even causes breakouts of little whitehead-like bumps that look like pimples but aren’t acne.

Avoiding Rosacea Triggers

Do I avoid these rosacea triggers? I sure do. Keeping away from my triggers is a critical component of my natural rosacea treatment strategy. However, many of those triggers also happen to be some of the things that I love the most in my life.

For example, I enjoy being fit as a part of my effort to live a healthful lifestyle and slow the aging process. One of my regular activities is to walk a neighbour’s dog five days per week. That means that I’m out there nearly every morning, walking briskly for about 30 to 45 minutes regardless of the hot sun, biting cold wind or intense humidity. I’m not about to give that up, so I stay hydrated, remain on the shady side of the street, wear a broad brimmed hat, and use a fantastic 60 SPF sunscreen meant for faces with sensitive skin. When I get home, I take care to cool down and cleanse my face before moisturizing it well.

I still drink a cup of coffee every morning, too. I’m a writer. I love my coffee. However, instead of having 2 to 3 cups, I now have about 1 and a half. Even more important: I let it cool down before I drink it. I never needed my coffee to be scalding hot, so it’s not much of an effort for me to wait until it stops steaming before drinking it. I’ve used this cooling technique for many of the foods I eat. The cooler it is, the lower the risk of burning cheeks.

I also drink coffee black. Too much sugar or dairy can increase my risk of a flare-up, so I leave those ingredients out. That is especially important for me because I am a huge fan of ice cream. To be able to manage the small ice cream cone that I savour nearly every evening as dessert, I need to be careful not to overdo it on either dairy or sugar. I make a concerted effort to keep my consumption of refined sugar as close to nothing as possible. I’ll use raw honey as an alternative when something absolutely must be sweetened. Otherwise, I try to choose options that are void of refined sugar.

So, Can You Drink Red Wine if You Have Rosacea?

Yes! If it causes redness in your face like it does in mine, then there is a trick to it.

Here it is. Drink it very rarely and in small amounts. This gives you the chance to choose very good red wine. I drink about a third of what I used to, so now I feel free to spend up to three times as much on a bottle! I let one glass last by sipping it and savouring it.

On the day after I have had a glass of red wine, I focus on being well hydrated, treating my skin well and on eating foods that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as turmeric (don’t forget a bit of black pepper so that it will be absorbed well during digestion!). I still experience redness from red wine, but I keep it brief and to a minimum with this technique.

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about how I identified my rosacea triggers and what I do to make sure I don’t have to give up everything I love in the name of avoiding flare-ups. Over the years, I have discovered a tremendous amount about nutrition and eating with rosacea-control in mind…and that will be the topic of my post, next month.

Follow Julies story at –

Note from Caroline – If you have enjoyed Julies post please feel free to comment or ask Julie any questions. Perhaps you suffer from this skin condition yourself or know someone that does so please share 🙂

Benefits of Organic Manuka Honey

Modern life can really take its toll on the skin, and whether you’re stressed, tired or simply not having time to eat properly, your complexion is likely to be less than its beautiful best.

There’s lots of ways in which your skin could be suffering, such as acne, blemishes, dry patches or loss of radiance but no matter what the problem is there’s no need to resort to harsh chemicals.

Your skin is extremely delicate and smothering on abrasive treatments could upset the fine balance even further. There is a natural treatment which has a host of health benefits but is particularly good for helping keep skin healthy and looking good: organic Manuka honey.

Manuka is like a supercharged version of any other honey and is recommended by health professionals for a wealth of ailments. Here’s a look at how it can be used on the skin or consumed internally for maximum effect.

Try a spoonful of Organic Manuka Honey


What is Manuka honey?

Manuka is a type of raw honey which means that it hasn’t gone through the typical heat processing which eliminates lots of the beneficial bacteria and enzymes which are naturally present.

It originates from New Zealand and is harvested from bees who feed on the Manuka plant, which is where it gets its name.

All types of raw honey is packed full of nutrients, but Manuka contains far more than any other type. You’ll find it graded in strengths, such as +16 for example. The higher the number the better the quality of Manuka honey, and the more therapeutic properties it will contain.

Using it on the skin

There are a vast number of skin ailments which can be improved with Manuka thanks to its many healing properties.

If you want to use it externally, there’s a few different ways you could apply the honey to your skin.

A face mask is a cure-all way to use Manuka, and it only needs 20 minutes on the skin to take effect. Either apply on its own or with a sprinkling of cinnamon and apply in a thin layer. Using cold water to rinse the Manuka mask off will ensure your pores properly tighten and close.

If you’re blighted by acne, using the same Manuka and cinnamon mixture and leaving on overnight will have spectacular results.

skincare honey

Once you’ve removed any make-up, you can use Manuka as an extra step in your cleansing routine, gently exfoliating the skin. Add warm water to a coin-sized scoop and massage over the skin for 2-3 minutes. For extra exfoliative effect, remove the Manuka cleanser with a sponge or a flannel.

If you simply want to brighten tired-looking skin or fade unwanted acne scars, mix a coin-sized scoop of Manuka with a spoonful of organic cane sugar plus some freshly squeezed lemon juice. Steam your face with hot water to open the pores and then apply the mixture by gently massaging it on. Leave for up to 20 minutes before rinsing as usual.

For insect bites, abrasions and sun burn, Manuka can provide a cooling and antibacterial effect. Smooth over the affected area and leave it to be absorbed.

Taking it internally

Manuka is particularly effective when applied directly onto the skin but there are additional benefits for taking it internally too.

The digestive system benefits from the nutrients within Manuka, and it can significantly improve bloating, reflux and bowel discomfort. All of these conditions can cause grey and sallow looking skin, and the knock-on effect to taking Manuka to ease the digestive system can be a far more radiant complexion.

If you are prone to cold sores, skin infections or have cuts and grazes, stirring some Manuka honey into hot water and drinking it could provide a powerful shot of antibacterials. If you have a cold, sore throat or other ailment, Manuka can help you to recover more quickly as well as preventing your skin from showing the ravages of your illness.

It’s not for everyone

You may need to take Manuka for a week or two before you start to see the effects but the results can be astonishing. However, it’s worth remembering that because of the bacteria it contains it shouldn’t be given to babies under 12 months old. Manuka also has high glucose content so intake should be moderated and it may not be suitable for diabetics.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Water and Good Hydration

You’ve no doubt heard that drinking eight glasses or more of water per day is great for #health, but is it really all that important? Here I’ll take a look at some of the health benefits of drinking water and maintaining good hydration.

A simple lifestyle tip is to drink water.
Improve your health and well being by drinking more water.

Relieves fatigue

Our brain needs water in order to function properly. Keeping your body hydrated will therefore improve your focus and concentration. You’ll be much more alert and you’ll even find your energy levels are boosted!

Control calorie intake

There’s no point in lying – water isn’t a magical substance that’s going to make you lose weight but it will help to manage your calorie intake. By drinking water instead of high calorie beverages, you can greatly reduce your intake and therefore contribute to weight loss.

As well as drinking plenty of water, you may want to think about eating foods with a high water content such as fruit, vegetables, beans and broth-based soups. Their high water volume means the body absorbs them slower, helping you to feel fuller for longer!

Keep skin looking healthy

Dehydration can cause the skin to feel dry and you may even be at more risk of developing wrinkles. So if you want to maintain a youthful appearance, drinking plenty of water is important.

Increased fluids can make the skin look plumper and more radiant. Whilst water won’t get rid of wrinkles, it will certainly help to improve your skin’s look and texture.

Improved kidney function

Water can help to flush out toxins in the body, such as blood urea nitrogen, which is a water-soluble waste that passes through the kidneys and is excreted in urine.

With proper hydration the kidneys are able to do their jobs. You can tell if you are drinking enough water, as your urine will be light in colour and free of any odours. If you’re not drinking enough water, it’s likely to be much darker. Drinking plenty of water can help to prevent painful kidney stones, so it’s well worth the little effort it takes!

Solve digestion problems

If you are experiencing a few digestion problems, it could be as simple as not drinking enough water. Hydrating the body can significantly improve your ability to break down food. Drink plenty of water and it should reduce any minor discomfort and digestion problems you are experiencing.

Stop the bloating

Do you often feel bloated? It could be your choice of beverage that’s causing you to look a little bigger than you actually are. Choose water instead of fizzy drinks and artificial beverages and you should find that bloating sensations decrease dramatically.

Good hydration can dramatically reduce headaches
Keeping the body hydrated can help to prevent headaches.

Prevent headaches

Many people experience pesky and painful headaches as a result of not drinking enough water. The more water you drink, the less likely you are to get a headache as a result of dehydration.

If you’ve forgotten to drink enough water and have got a headache, try drinking a few glasses and within a short time period, your headache should have disappeared completely.

It helps to fight off cancer

Studies have found that the greater the fluid intake, the less chance a person is of getting bladder cancer, especially if a high percentage of their fluid intake is water. This could be due to the fact that urinating more frequently prevents a build-up of bladder carcinogens.

Some studies have also found that drinking plenty of water can reduce the risk of colon and breast cancers too.


Those with access to clean, fresh water really should drink it! Good hydration will not only improve your skin but your body as a whole, helping you to live a happier and healthier life. Dislike drinking water?  spice it up with some blueberries or cucumber!


Image credits: Joost Nelissen and mislav-m


Magnesium – the miracle mineral that might just solve your skin problems

A mineral which performs miracles on the body, magnesium provides a whole host of health benefits.

Reducing the chances of getting heart disease, eliminating menstrual cramping and banishing migraines are just some of the ways magnesium can help improve bodily health.

But magnesium doesn’t just do a sterling job on the inside; it can also really help to improve the condition and appearance of your skin too.

Here’s a closer look at this clever little mineral and what boosting your intake could do for you

Why it’s important

Magnesium is one of the most vital minerals in our body and plays a role in more than 300 chemical processes and reactions.

It can be found in the bones and in every cell, and is the most common mineral that’s found after potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

As well as being integral to the growth and maintenance of bones, magnesium helps to take care of many other elements including nerves, muscles and the digestive system. Malfunctions or deficiencies in any of these areas have a knock-on effect onto the complexion which is why a healthy intake of magnesium is so important.

However, it can also aid and improve the skin more directly, thanks to its potent healing qualities.

Magnesium and the skin

This little wonder miracle mineral has some very powerful effects which can make an extremely noticeable difference to the quality of the skin, particularly if you experience some problems.


Eczema and other allergic conditions can leave the skin feeling sore, and looking red and patchy. However, in some cases a deficiency of magnesium can significantly contribute to these symptoms.

This is because as the level of magnesium in the body starts to plunge, histamines are produced and this causes blood vessels to swell up and leak fluid. This in turn causes the characteristic blotchy appearance and discomfort. The latter can be triggered by a reduction in moisture and elasticity, which occurs as a reaction to lower levels of fatty acid in the skin, again due to a lack of magnesium.

This melting pot of problems creates the perfect conditions for eczema and other allergic skin conditions, with dryness, irritation and redness.


Many people continue to suffer with acne for all of their adult life, leaving them feeling awkward and self-conscious.

Harsh chemicals rarely produce the desired outcome and can have adverse effects on the body in other ways. Tackling the problem on a more scientific level can be remarkably effective.

Bacteria on the surface of the skin can cause acne, and trigger the presence of E-selectin because of the disruption they cause to the cells. E-selectin turning up for the party then results in inflammation, making acne look even worse.

Magnesium can ease acne by inhibiting the actions of E-selectin, and thereby reducing the inflammation and redness in the complexion.


Not all skin complaints are due to an illness or problem, but wrinkles are an almost universal concern which many people go to extreme lengths to combat.

Free radicals are the sworn enemy of youthful-looking skin, and rely on unprotected cells to do their damage. Unfortunately for free radicals, magnesium helps to provide a much-needed boost of anti-oxidants, helping cells to carry out repairs as needed and regulate the replication of DNA.

A healthy intake of magnesium can put a halt to those pesky fine lines appearing, at least for a while, and will help to create a complexion which is smoother and wrinkle-free.

Where to find it

So now we know the benefits to having magnesium, the all-important question is: where can it be found?

Luckily, it occurs naturally in a wide range of foods.

Dark green, leafy veg are one of the best sources of magnesium; think kale, spinach and Swiss chard and you’ll be on the right track.

Swiss chard a nutritional powerhouse and rich in Magnesium


Nuts and seeds provide another good supply, particularly squash and pumpkin seeds or brazil, pecan, almond, cashew or pine nuts.

Elsewhere, avocados, mackerel, bananas, dried fruit, beans, lentils and dark chocolate are other foods which can help to up your magnesium intake.

The miracle mineral

It’s easy to overlook minerals when you’re looking to eat healthily but magnesium really does offer a range of benefits which could make you not just feel good, but look good too.

fennel seeds skin benefits health

Fight Skin Inflammation with Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds or Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce (if you want to be scientific) are small seeds that are related to the celery, cumin and dill family. Fennel is often referred to as the ‘umbrella’ plant, as when it blossoms, it looks like an umbrella with small yellow flowers

In the autumn time, the flowers dry and fall off and the umbrellas form little seeds. These are then harvested and used for a wide range of purposes, including in medicine, cooking and skincare products.

Fennel seed uses over time

Fennel seeds were used in Ancient China to cure snakebites and purify the body. They were also used in Roman times to strengthen the bodies of warriors and were even said to ward of evil spirits during the Middle Ages.

Benefits for the skin

Fennel seeds have been known to unclog blocked pores and help sooth inflammation, leaving the skin feeling smooth, hydrated and refreshed.

Their antiseptic and inflammation fighting properties make fennel seeds ideal for treating acne prone skin. They contain powerful compounds such as Limonene, Anethole and Myrcene, all of which are effective in preventing breakouts.

Fennel seeds calm sunburn and itchy skin. If you accidentally catch the sun this summer, try applying a fennel seed solution to your skin to calm redness and irritation..

From cleansing and exfoliating to detoxifying and healing, fennel seeds provide a wide range of skincare benefits to those wanting to achieve a flawless complexion.

Fennel seed products

Fennel seeds have been known to detoxify the body from the inside out, helping you to flush out acne-causing toxins and leave the skin feeling flawless. Below is a guide on how to make your very own fennel seed facemask.

Make your own Fennel Seed facemask

It’s time to give your skin a little tender loving care! Follow the recipe below to create a homemade fennel seed facemask.

What you will need:

  • Fennel seeds
  • Oatmeal
  • Organic Manuka honey

Step 1 – Take a tablespoon of fennel seeds and gently place them in half a cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

Step 2 – Add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of organic Manuka honey to your fennel seed infusion.

Step 3 – Create a smooth paste and apply it gently to your face. Leave it to work its magic for 20 minutes.

Step 4Rinse your face with warm water and you’ll find your skin feels completely revitalised.


Before using fennel seeds to fight skin inflammation, it is important to check that they are suitable for you. If you have asthma or severe allergic reactions, you should consult a medical professional before using fennel seeds. You should also avoid using fennel seeds if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What is your favourite way to use Fennel Seeds?

rosacea natural treatments

Have you ever struggled with Rosacea?

I know that there are lots of people that suffer from rosacea and after recently reading a blog about this skin condition I was particularly blown away by the personal journey that Julie has been sharing. I think you will all agree that Julie is a great inspiration to those suffering with this skin condition.

In today’s post you will hear Julie’s story and how she has been living with rosacea for the last 15 years. Now that she has finally managed to control this skin disorder, she has turned her writing talents to blogging on the subject in the hope of helping others who are struggling with the condition. Julie is also a Canadian child’s and young adult fiction author, known for such titles as Love at First Plight (book 1 of the Perspective series).

How Rosacea Changed My Life and Lifestyle

It sounds crazy to say that a bit of redness in my cheeks has changed my life, but that little bit of rosiness blossomed into quite a lot more than I had ever expected. For one thing, a touch of pink turned into an angry red. Then, it progressed to include what looked like acne pimples with itchiness, dryness and tightness and a burning sensation, to boot. For another thing, it meant that I had to start thinking about skin care in a way that was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

Rosacea Diagnosis

In my early twenties, I loved skin care products (still do, but in a very different way). I had a membership with a “face spa”, where I received a skin analysis that informed me that I had combination skin. They gave me a cleansing, toning, and moisturizing strategy that they claimed would help to control oil and overcome the redness on my face.

A couple of years later, a routine checkup with my doctor came with a diagnosis of acne and a powerful prescription that I discontinued when my skin dried up to the point that it was coming off in sheets. Ew.

Oddly enough, it was at the dentist’s office that rosacea was first mentioned. The appointment started with an overall head and neck checkup and, in passing, the dentist said that I had “some redness, maybe rosacea”. I’d never even heard of it. Another trip to my doctor’s office confirmed the diagnosis and since then, my life has never been the same.

Bye-Bye Sunshine

Following the diagnosis, I discovered that anything over five to ten minutes of sunshine is enough to cause rosacea symptoms to flare up for hours (if not days).

My first strategy was to start to apply sunscreen with fervor. Surprise, surprise: many sunscreen products cause rosacea to flare up! It took me about a decade to finally find a sunscreen that I can use with confidence in its UV protection but that won’t leave my skin inflamed and pimply.

Since sunscreen was also out of the question until I could find the right one, I’ve now accumulated quite a collection of large-brimmed sunhats and very pretty parasols. I’m hoping that parasols will be making a comeback any day now. Any day…

Anti-Inflammatory Foodie

I love food. I love buying it. I love prepping it. I love cooking it. I love eating it. In fact, when I can, I grow it organically in my balcony container garden. Unfortunately, not all foods agree with rosacea-prone skin, not even the healthy ones!

So far, my rosacea triggers in foods seem to include certain kinds of alcohol such as red wine, beer, whisky, and vodka; spicy foods; certain vinegars; dairy, when eaten in large quantities; lobster; and anything hot enough to produce steam (soup, coffee, tea, etc.).

This has meant that I’ve needed to learn to reduce or eliminate many foods from my diet. Fortunately, I can still cook, as long as I turn on the hood fan over my stove so the steam and heat won’t cause my face to flare up. Equally, I’ve started discovering foods that actually help to improve rosacea symptoms.

Strategic Relaxation

Rosacea doesn’t play nice when it comes to chilling out. Think about it: what’s the first thing that people tell you to do when you’re planning a relaxing evening for yourself? Have a hot bath and a glass of red wine!

Before those practices made me look like a tomato-face, they were actually two of my favourite unwinding strategies. Instead, I’ve found new ways to reduce the brain strain… and a glass of white wine doesn’t hurt every now and again!

Becoming a Mostly-All-Natural Skin Care Master

I don’t think that chemicals are the root of all evil. After all, natural ingredients are made up of chemicals – everything is! What I do know is that when there is a choice between two cleansers and the first one has fifteen ingredients, while the second one is made up of olive oil, water and mineral salts, I know which one I will want to research and – if it checks out – try on my face over the following weeks.

As I haven’t had a lot of luck with prescription rosacea treatments, I’ve also started looking into natural alternatives. Red light therapy has been the ideal complement to the other lifestyle changes that I’ve made. It has also become an important part of my daily relaxation routine. The device I use is a powerful LED red light therapy lamp that I use at home, once per day, for a total of 4½ minutes (90 seconds each for the left side, right side, and front of my face). It’s a time when all I have to do is sit there for a short moment, being calm and still. Not a bad part of a busy day!

Living the Rosacea Lifestyle

Rosacea may have started with a little bit of rosiness on my cheeks, but over the last decade-and-a-half, keeping it under control has altered the way I think of sunlight, food, relaxation, and skin care. As much as it has been a genuine nuisance at times, I am grateful for what it has forced me to learn. I believe that my lifestyle, as a whole, is now considerably more healthful. Without a diagnosis with this skin disorder, I may never have had my eyes opened to a wealth of lessons about what I am putting on and in my body, which I now consider to be a very positive part of my everyday life. Still, I would really love to have a bubble bath and a glass of red wine…

I hope you’ve liked learning about my 15-year experience with rosacea. Though it looks like I’ve changed my lifestyle a lot for this skin disorder, there are some things that I simply won’t give up…and that will be the topic of my post, next month.

Follow Julies story at  –

Note from Caroline – If you have enjoyed Julies post please feel free to comment or ask Julie any questions.  Perhaps you suffer from this skin condition yourself or know someone that does so please share 🙂

Parabens in beauty products are liked to cancer

Chemicals in beauty products and their effect on your body

It’s easy to assume the facial cleanser, moisturiser and makeup you’re using are great for your skin but do you really know what you’re putting on your face?

Unfortunately, many beauty products actually contain synthetic chemicals that can have a negative effect on the body, causing everything from cancer to infertility and birth defects.

Here I’ve shared a few of the nasty chemicals to look out for when buying beauty products and how they affect the body.

Beware of what chemicals are within your beauty products.
Are you aware of the chemicals in your beauty products?


Many cosmetics contain Formaldehyde. Whilst small amounts produced by the human body are harmless, excessive exposure to it can cause allergic reactions in the eyes, nose, throat and skin. It has also been linked to causing asthma and menstrual disorders in women.

Glycol Ethers

Glycol Ethers are commonly used as an ingredient when creating certain cosmetic products. Exposure to this chemical can cause poor fertility in men and is also hazardous to pregnant women. Other symptoms of exposure to Glycol Ethers include headaches, weakness, nausea and irritated skin.


Numerous research studies have indicated the presence of Parabens in breast tumours and they have also been noted for their oestrogen-like properties. Many cosmetics including creams, makeup products and shaving products contain Parabens and whilst they are currently evaluated as ‘safe’ by health organisations, it’s definitely worth trying to limit the number of products you use containing them.

Parabens may be listed as Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben and Propylparaben on cosmetic labels.


Phthalates are a group of chemicals found in many perfumes, nail polishes, shampoos and moisturisers. A high exposure to Phthalates can cause major problems to the human reproduction and development systems. They have also been linked to early breast development in girls and breast cancer.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an emulsifier and de-greaser that is commonly found in body washes, shampoos and facial cleansers. This chemical not only dries out the skin but can also cause allergic reactions in some people.

Propylene Glycol

Although you may think you’re doing your skin good by applying a cream or lotion contain Propylene Glycol, you could actually be doing it damage instead. Propylene Glycol is an emulsifying agent that is obtained using petrochemicals. Whilst it may smooth the skin, it has also been found to speed up the ageing process (creating wrinkles) and in some cases cause dermatitis and irritation.


Toluene is often used in nail polish, nail treatments and hair colouring products and is commonly listed on labels as benzene, toluol or phenylmethane. This is a potent solvent that is actually capable of dissolving paint and paint thinner.
It can have serious implications on the respiratory system, whilst also causing nausea and skin irritation. It is extremely important that pregnant women avoid exposure to toluene vapours, as it can cause developmental damage to their babies.

What exactly is your lipstick made of?
Tread with care when applying lipstick – what is it made from?


Horrifyingly, lead has been found in over 650 cosmetic products including sun cream, foundation, nail polish, lipsticks and teeth whitening toothpaste. This chemical is a proven neurotoxin, which has been linked to learning language and behavioural problems. Lead has also been associated with miscarriages, low fertility in both men and women and delays in puberty in girls.


I don’t mean to frighten you by sharing this information but it’s important that you are aware that some of the cosmetic products in your bathroom may be doing you more harm than good! Be on the safe side and always check the label or even better, buy organic and natural beauty products instead.

Image credits: Horia Varlan and ebbandflow_popmama

Acne is difficult to tolerate for young people

What acne reveals about your health

Did you know that the acne on your face is actually linked to your overall health? Yes according to skin experts, if acne appears in certain places on your face, it may be a sign of another health issue or condition. Here I’ve shared a quick rundown of what acne reveals about your health.

Acne is a mirror reflection of your internal health
Acne can be overcome, first of all the reasons for the acne need to be found

The upper forehead

If you get acne on your upper forehead, it may be a sign that something isn’t quite right with your digestive system or bladder. You can combat minor issues by drinking plenty of water and limiting greasy and sugary foods. Eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables will help to clear up your acne, whilst also improving your digestive system.

The lower forehead

Frequent bouts of acne on the lower forehead are said to relate to the heart. Keep your heart healthy by limiting your saturated fat intake and doing plenty of cardiovascular exercise. Coconut oil and pomegranates are also great for clearing up acne on this part of the face.

Eyebrows and eye area

Acne around the eye area is a sign of an unhappy liver. If you find that you get acne in this area often, it’s a good idea to do a cleanse and give your liver a break. Try cutting back on fried and greasy foods, as well as thinks like alcohol and dairy.

Foods that are good for the liver include carrots, beetroot and leafy greens. You can also try drinking green tea to cleanse the liver.


Acne in and around the ears could be a sign that your kidneys aren’t functioning as they should be. This may be because you’re not drinking enough water or because your diet is too rich in sodium (found in processed foods). Other factors that can cause unhealthy kidneys include magnesium deficiencies, lack of sleep and excess sugar consumption.

Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest and cut back on your daily sugar intake to see if it makes a difference.

Acne is a reflection of inner health
Acne can affect self esteem and confidence

Upper cheeks

If you regularly get flares ups on the upper cheeks, it could be a sign of a respiratory problem. Smokers tend to be more prone to getting acne on their upper cheeks, as do those with respiratory illnesses like asthma. Your acne on this part of your face could also be caused by polluted air.

Eating foods containing antioxidants is a great way to eliminate free radicals from the body and improve the condition of your skin.

Lower cheeks

Acne on the lower cheeks could be a sign of gum or teeth problems. Try limiting the refined sugars you eat by swapping fizzy pop drinks for water. Brushing your teeth after consuming something sugary will also help to improve your gum and teeth health.

Chin area

Women who get regular bouts of acne on the sides of their chin are likely to be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. This may be caused by menstruation, birth control pills or emotional and physical stress.

Things that are good for balancing the hormones include liquorice, burdock, red raspberry leaves and green tea.

If you get acne in the centre of your chin it may be a symptom of a digestive problem, caused by a poor diet or food allergy. Try eating a healthier, balanced diet to see if it makes a difference. Taking probiotics (great for the gut) will also help to get things back on track.


It’s important to keep in mind that acne on these areas doesn’t necessarily mean you have something wrong with you, however if you regularly get flare ups in similar places, it’s worth considering the possibility. Eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of sleep and keeping the body hydrated are great ways to keep the body healthy on the inside and outside.


Image credits: DresdenPlaid and ldhren

Skin inflammation is exacerbated by foods

Foods that cause inflammation to the skin and foods to eat which heal inflammation

If you want to maintain good skin, it may be wise to look at the foods you’re eating on a daily basis. Believe it or not, many of the foods we eat can actually cause and increase skin inflammation. The good news is that there are also foods great for healing inflammation, so as long as you are eating plenty of those, you won’t have to worry!

To help you see where you might be going wrong, I’ve created a list of the foods that cause inflammation to the skin and the foods that help to heal it.

Skin inflammation can be exacerbated by the foods we eat.
Skin inflammation can be reduced by a great diet.

Bad foods for the skin

The usual suspects that are bad for the body in general, such as saturated fats, fried foods, refined sugar and refined carbohydrates are all commonly associated with increased levels of skin inflammation. If your diet is packed full of them, you are likely to suffer from acne, rosacea and visible signs of ageing.

For some people, dairy products and wheat can trigger allergic reactions, which cause skin inflammation.

How about specific skin conditions?

Acne is primarily caused by overactive sebaceous glands in the body. These glands trend to react to testosterone, even if levels are perfectly normal. Whilst many things are linked with this inflammatory skin condition, health experts have found that it is aggravated by a poor diet.

If you are eating unhealthily, your immune system will be suppressed and you are likely to experience an overgrowth of bacteria, which causes breakouts. In addition to eating healthier, you may want to try cutting out dairy, as well as iodine-rich foods like shellfish to see if it makes a positive difference to your skin.

Rosacea is another inflammatory condition that causes the skin to flush and flare-ups can last several hours at a time. Studies have found that the elimination of dairy, alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods can also help to ease rosacea and reduce inflammation of the skin.

Eczema and dermatitis both cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. These conditions can be caused by a number of different things; however food allergies are thought to be one of them. Health experts usually recommend that eczema and dermatitis sufferers stick to a strict candida-free and sugar-free diet to help prevent flare-ups.

Some fruit and vegetables are packed full of anti-oxidants great for banishing free radicals from the skin and reducing inflammation.
Fresh fruits are full of antioxidants.

Good foods for the skin

Eating a diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds is a great way to tackle the skin conditions mentioned above. Consuming a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats should help to reduce the levels of prostaglandins in the body, which are pro-inflammatory. The healthiest way to consume these fats is to incorporate foods like flaxseeds, salmon and mackerel into your diet.

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals will also improve the condition of your skin and ensure it is well nourished. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants like berries, leafy greens and citrus fruits are particularly great for the skin, as they help to fight off free radicals, associated with skin inflammation, early ageing and even cancers.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet and you stand a good chance of combatting skin inflammation and its associated symptoms.


If you believe you are suffering from skin inflammation (perhaps you’re experiencing increased redness, puffiness and itching) then it’s a good idea to take a step back and think about what you’ve been eating. Too many takeaways or a high intake of dairy can both impact your skin.

Try cutting out more of the bad foods and incorporating more of the good anti-inflammatory foods into your diet to see if it makes a difference. If in doubt, it’s always best to consult your dermatologist, who will be able to provide you with further advice.


Image credits: kristiewells and Patrick Feller